SMARTLAND neemt deel aan Zeewierplatform
Stichting Noordzeeboerderij zet zich in voor het ontwikkelen van zeewierteelt als duurzame teelt op de Noordzee. Vanuit de betrokkenheid...
Tentoonstelling "Challenges In Flooding" Tokyo
Between March 18th and March 25th, an exhibition about flood control will take place in Gallery Ten, Tokyo. Here the results of an...
Dijkversterking Hoorn-Amsterdam
With a lot of ambition, creativity and perseverance SMARTLAND explores the opportunities for recreation in the dyke reinforcement...
Presentatie Masterplan Infinity Park
On January 18th the masterplan for Infinity Park has been presented in Yixing. The presentation formed the base of a broad discussion on...
SMARTLAND bezoekt Zhuhai Park
Shortly before the Chinese Spring Festival SMARTLAND visited Zhuhai Park, Eastern China’s largest bamboo forest with a total area of over...
Heemtuin & Ruige Riet, Amsterdam
SMARTLAND is involved in the maintenance plan and vision for the Amsterdam Wild Life Garden and the 'Ruige Riet'. The latter is a 14 ha...
SMARTLAND bezoekt Wageningen Environmental Research Center
Together with our Chinese client we have visited the Wageningen Environmental Research Center to discuss the options for the use of...
SMARTLAND werkt aan Nova Delta
SMARTLAND is op dit moment intensief betrokken bij het project NOVA DELTA. Een gezamenlijk initiatief van de Nederlandse Topsectoren. Het...
Infinity Park gepresenteerd op de Tsinghua University, Beijing
On the 8th of November the design of Infinity Park has been presented at the Engineering Doctoral Forum of the Tsinghua University in...
Paviljoen Leuvenhaven Rotterdam
OLAF GIPSER ARCHITECTS with SMARTLAND second in contest Leuvehavenpavilion Rotterdam Last summer, the City of Rotterdam started an...
SMARTLAND ontvangt China Development Institute Shenzhen
On the 29th of September SMARTLAND received a delegation and think tank from the Department of Urbanization Research of the China...
SMARTLAND ontmoet expert commissie "Concept 2030"
In August 2016, Smartland presented the design of the Infinity Park to China's Concept WWTP Committee consisting of six well-known...
SMARTLAND ontwerpt circulair landschapspark "Infinity Park"
SMARTLAND has been invited to design a 122 ha large landscape park including the integration of an innovative waste water recycling plant...