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Integrated spatial solutions for sustainable urban deltas

Woningbouwproject New West
© Olaf Gipser Architects en VURB Architects i.s.m. SMARTLAND. Foto Thomas Lenden

Woningbouwproject New West
© Olaf Gipser Architects en VURB Architects i.s.m. SMARTLAND. Foto Thomas Lenden

Wetland Infinity Park

Woningbouwproject New West
© Olaf Gipser Architects en VURB Architects i.s.m. SMARTLAND. Foto Thomas Lenden
SMARTLAND is a multi-disciplinary landscape design office with an international focus. With our professional roots in the Dutch Rhine River Delta we have gained broad experience in handling spatial quests in densely populated areas, which we project in urban deltas around the world.
From this perspective we focus on the urgent challenges the planet is facing at this moment. We develop innovative, integrated spatial solutions for projects in which landscape, urban planning, water management, ecology, architecture and product design come together. We solve problems that are universal and that go beyond borders with design solutions that are unique and tailor made.
Natural systems form the starting point in our search for solutions. We believe that knowledge and specific experience of the landscape inevitably leads to appreciation and concern for the environment. We make landscape understandable, readable and liveable.

Eerste boom voor nieuwe hoofdkantoor Bever!
De eerste boom is vorige week geplant terwijl de laatste paal werd geslagen voor het nieuwe hoofdkantoor van Bever in de Gemeente...

Smartland ontwikkelt beslisinstrument voor ruimtelijke keuzen in een veranderend klimaat
Feitelijk in antwoord op de nu gepubliceerde KNMI klimaatscenario’s heeft Smartland, met een team van bureaus, verkend welke impact...

GLUE festival expo ‘Butterfly Effect’
Smartland believes the planet will always survive. Our biggest mission lies in guaranteeing quality of life on earth. Through our...

Screening Dafang Creative Village @ Aranya Art Center
May 21th 2021 - The documentary about the creation of Dafang Creative Village will be shown during the first offline event of Netherlands...

Renovation of Vilbelpark in Huizen well under way
May 6th 2021 - Renovation of the Vilbelpark in Huizen in full swing. Excavators drive back and forth through the Bad Vilbelpark: the new...

First Prize for the Jiangnan Waterfront Settlement Framework!
We are happy to announce that our design team AS+P, EADG and SMARTLAND have won the first prize for the international tender for the...

Bomen voor 45 meter hoge houten woontoren Stories te Buiksloterham
Deze houten woontoren, ontworpen door Olaf Gipser architects in samenwerking met SMARTLAND landscape architects is onlangs beplant met 28...

Zuiderkerkprijs voor woningbouwproject New West!
Woningbouwproject New West van Olaf Gipser Architects en VURB Architects is onderscheiden met de Zuiderkerkprijs 2020. De Zuiderkerkprijs...

Subsidie voor een groen en rainproof schoolplein!
De twee Apolloscholen, de Amsterdamse Montessorischool en de Willemsparkschool hebben in het kader van ‘De Amsterdamse Impuls...

1st Prize for tender Hefei Central Park!
With great joy SMARTLAND and EADG announce the winning of the International Tender for the Hefei Central Park. The project comprises the...

1st phase Dafang Creative Village realised
China has undergone an unprecedented urbanisation process, from being a predominant rural society to having an estimated one billion...

Participatie Bad Vilbelpark in corona tijden.
Smartland werkt aan het ontwerp voor de renovatie van het Bad Vilbelpark te huizen. Begin 2019 leverde we het schetsontwerp op. Samen met...

Hoogste punt van Nederland’s eerste houten hoogbouw bereikt!
Stories is een appartementengebouw in Buiksloterham, direct aan het IJ gelegen. Het hoogste punt van de bouw is nu bereikt en ligt op 45...

Team One Architecture geselecteerd voor de MRA opdracht Resilience by Design!
Team One Architecture is geselecteerd voor de MRA opdracht ‘Resilience by Design’, met als centrale vraag: Hoe kunnen we ervoor zorgen...

SMARTLAND finalist for the biodiversity award ‘De Groene Kroon’
On September 18, 2019, Smartland will present 'Do you know the Musselbasket?' Our idea for raising the biodiversity on and around the...

Groundbreaking in Dafang village, China
The redevelopment of the abandoned ancient Dafang village in rural China has started. The strategy for the project is to create an...

SMARTLAND @ opening ceremony solar field Moerdijk!
With 76,000 panels, this new solar park will generate electricity for 9,000 households. Moerdijk is also the location for a...

Groundbreaking research: optimizing the positive influence of solar parks on biodiversity
Solar park Moerdijk is the location for groundbreaking research into optimizing the positive influence of solar parks on biodiversity...

The positive influence of solar parks on biodiversity
Solar park Moerdijk is the location for groundbreaking research into optimizing the positive influence of solar parks on biodiversity...

The All Inclusive City presented at Jaarcongres Stedelijke Transformatie
On the 14th. of Februari 2019 SMARTLAND, together with WAM architecten, Lodewijk Baljon landschapsarchitecten, Stadfactor, Observatorium,...

From the 1st of February, SMARTLAND's new office is located in the 'Tuin van BRET', a beautiful circular village and green oasis wedged...

Future Perspective Amsterdam Wetlands
SMARTLAND supports, in collaboration with Bui-TeGewoon | green projects, Staatsbosbeheer in the Provincial project 'Future Perspective...

Sketch-design Driehuis
In collaboration with Bureau UUM, SMARTLAND is working on the development of an modern estate concept as a guiding perspective for the...

Final results BNA research 'City of the Future'
On the 30st. of November 2018 SMARTLAND, together with WAM architecten, Lodewijk Baljon landschapsarchitecten, Stadfactor, Observatorium,...

SMARTLAND @ Vroege Vogels Radio
Uit de nieuwste bodemdalingskaart van Nederland blijkt dat vooral onze veengrond hard daalt. Volgens 'lisdoddeboer' Aldert van Weeren en...

Groundbreaking ceremony STORIES Buiksloterham
In the Buiksloterham circular district in Amsterdam, the first pile is beaten for the nature-inclusive housing project STORIES, by Olaf...

Dafang Creative Village @ CCTV: Revitalization of rural China
SMARTLAND takes part in the revitalization of the abandoned historical rural village Dafang in Jinxi County, China. Project in...

Wetland park Marickenland in AD: Lisdodde is een gewas met potentie!
SMARTLAND is involved as designers in the Marickenland project, between Vinkeveen and Wilnis, a nature development project from the...

Multifunctional seaweed production at the Innovation Expo Rotterdam
Op 4 Oktober 2018 stond SMARTLAND samen met Stichting Noordzeeboerderij op de innovation expo in Rotterdam. Stichting Noordzeeboerderij...

Inspiring start wetland park Marickenland!
SMARTLAND is involved as designers in the Marickenland project, between Vinkeveen and Wilnis, a nature development project from the...

SMARTLAND experiences opening Marker Wadden with pride
As designers for the Marker Wadden project at the Vista office, from the total landscape plan, the islands, the ecological elaboration,...

Who is closing the loop? Lecture DOOR & SMARTLAND
DOOR architecten en SMARTLAND Landschapsarchitecten werken samen aan de circulaire stad; klimaatadaptief, (natuur)inclusief,...

Powerhouse, Benthem Crouwel & Smartland Propose Sponge-Inspired Athlete Village for 2022 Asian G
Powerhouse Company and Benthem Crouwel Architects, together with SMARTLAND and Chinese firm UAD, participated in the competition for the...

Innovation-Expo Volvo Ocean Race
Multiple use of space in the North Sea. This is the ambition of both Smartland and the North Sea Farm, by developing seaweed farming...

The jury of the competition 'Icoon Oostelijke Vechtplassen' has selected 'ANCHORS FOR THE LOST DRECHT' from SMARTLAND Landscape...

Groundbreaking Ceremony in Yixing!
On the 17th of April the groundbreaking ceremony of the Waste Water Resource Factory in Yixing took place. A great moment and beautiful...

The countryside has the future, BK 01/18
De Blauwe Kamer, the magazine for landscape architecture and urban planning of March 2018 is in the stores now. In this issue the dossier...

Selected for research 'City of the Future'
SMARTLAND has, together with WAM architecten, Lodewijk Baljon landschapsarchitecten, Stadfactor, Observatorium, De Kabelfabriek,...

Trees for Buiksloterham
At the tree nursery Van den Berk in Brabant, together with architect Olaf Gipser and greenspecialist Royal Ginkelgroep, we have selected...

'Holwerd on Sea' and 'Sustainable Urban Engineering of Territory'
'Holwerd on Sea' and 'Sustainable Urban Engineering of Territory'. SMARTLAND teaches at TU Delft in the mastercourses Landscape...

SMARTLAND enthusiastically participates in the Dutch Coastline Challenge (DCC)
The DCC working community, organized by Rijkswaterstaat, aims for an integrated and sustainable approach to our coastal care. Here we...

Book launch 'Dream your own Future'
The initiative 'Paleis voor Volksvlijt' by Zef Hemel, to reflect on the 'Third Golden Age' of the city, led to a wide spread of...

Closing event Panorama Markermeer-IJmeer great success; a beckoning vision of the future in the maki
The Markermeer turns out to be unknown and unpopular by many. This slows down developments that must restore and strengthen the...

Marker Wadden and Infinity Park Yixing shown to the Union of Water Boards
A group of 40 water purifiers, working together from different purifications as the cyclical 'Energy and Raw Materials Factory' (EFGF),...

SMARTLAND presents at the Amsterdam International Water Week
On Wednesday 1 November SMARTLAND will present at the Amsterdam International Water Week Conference (AIWW). Location: Solution Workshop...

SMARTLAND coalition in ROmagazine
In the ROmagazine article "Integrated design of cultural heritage and climate" from Jaco Boer, the the project of the coalition...

SMARTLAND interview in Blauwe Kamer
At the 2017 Landscape Triennial - The Next Landscape - the September issue of the Blauwe Kamer magazine for landscape architecture has...

Kick-off preliminary design waste water resource plant
In August the preliminary design phase of the waste water resource plant “Concept 2030” in Yixing has started. The construction phase for...
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